Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Gerbils and Hamsters > I think my hamster sick but i dont know with what.

I think my hamster sick but i dont know with what.

21 11:50:40

I've had 2 hamsters before the one i have now and none of them have had this, one of my hamsters eye is getting crusty and it's not being able to open it by it's self so i have to open his eye for him. He also have white stuff behind his ear, and is very skinny even though i feed him every day and he doesn't exercise much. My mom wont let me take him to the vet because she has no time to take me and she said he wont be able to do anything, even though i have told her many time. I just want to know if he's maybe going die or if you know what kind of sickness it is and if i can help prevent it.
Sorry that this is so long i look every where for a answer.

Hello kara,
I am sorry to say that without a vets help there's really not much you can do. It sounds like he has a eye infection and maybe a respiratory infection and I am not too sure what the white stuff could be behind his ear, it could be his skin flaking or it could be a type of fungus or bacterial infection. Sometimes when animals get eye infections it could be a sign of a respiratory problem as well, but I really think he has an eye infection. It sounds like he's not eating and drinking and is "wasting away" basically. The only thing I can recommend without a vets help is maybe something to try and keep him dehydrated like Gatorade or pedialyte. The hamster really needs antibiotics for his eye though. There's nothing that i know of that is a home remedy for treatment of eye infections. You really can't prevent things like this from happening. The only way to help prevent it is by keeping a clean cage and sanitary and providing a good hamster diet.
There's not much you can really do I'm afraid. The only thing you can really do is keep doing what you are doing now which is take good care of him, which I think you are doing a great job of. :) Somethings you just can't control.