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Dwarf hamster killing housemate

21 11:56:11

Hello, We've had these two dwarfs since mid-Sept., bought them together at the pet store--2 males.  One of them was much more active, somewhat more aggressive than the other, would chase the other one more, they would have some bickering, then tonight was checking on them and the more active, agressive dwarf was dead.  Is this common?  Any chance I can introduce another dwarf to replace the killed one? They are my son's and he wanted to know if he could have another one.  Thanks for your help.

Dear Michelle,
thank you for your question.
I'm sorry this happened to you. Contrary to what petstores like to tell you and what is often written in books, dwarf hamsters cannot be kept in pairs or groups. They do live together as breeding pairs in the wild, but in captivity they will fight sooner or later, even breeding pairs. This has probably something to do with the lack of room (even the biggest cage cannot replace their natural territory) and with the fact that they will seperate at times in the wild, too.
So getting a second hamster is not a good idea and will not work. The surviving hamster will be happy alone and he won't be lonely or bored, as long as he has toys, things to chew and dig in.
I hope I was of some help to you