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Wet Tail Disease

21 13:32:57

This question may seem a little silly, but it is serious to me.  I have a hamster, Orli, and she doesn't have a tail.  Orli bit it off before I started taking care of her.  Since she doesn't have a tail, is it still possible for her to get Wet Tail Disease?  If you don't know the answer to this question, could you please find it out for me? Thank you very much, Suzi!
~Cathy H.

its not a silly question at all! :)
The wet tail disease is actually a very bad case of diarhorrea(sorry if thats spelt wrong!!) and the name wet tail is just a nickname for it.Its called wet tail becuase the upset tummy is so bad it gets all over the hammies bum and tail as really the disease has nothing to do with the tail except it gets dirty.
 Wet tail is caused by stress, weaning baby hamsters from the mother can cause it, and bad living conditions which causes stress as well.hamsters are most likely to have it just after coming home from the pet shop, the stress of that on some hamsters can be a bit much. it can also be caught from other hamsters, so any hamster with wet tail should be isolated and hands should be washed thoroughly.
  i've had hundreds of hammies and have never encountered it, i don't think its as common as it might seem, on the internet it seems like everyones hamster gets it, but as long as you look after your hamster well, and keep it away from any poorly hamsters its unlikly you will encounter it in your hamsters life!
 So in short.. Yes it is possible for your hammy to get wet tail. but its very unlikely especially if you've had this hamster a while. :)
 i hope this helps!
suzi x
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