Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Gerbils and Hamsters > how old must a hamster be to have babies?

how old must a hamster be to have babies?

21 11:30:57

i got one male and female hamster 8 days ago. they are about 3 weeks old. how old must they be to have babies?

hamsters can potentially get pregnant any time from 4 weeks old - but this isn't advisable.  Often with young 'mums' they don't know what to do and in my experience they sometimes abandon their babies.  Also, because they are only small themselves, there is a higher risk that if the litter is large they won't be able to feed them properly and you will end up with some dying.

If you are planning on breeding hamsters, you really ought to wait until they are 2-3 months old.  
