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Mixed Questions

21 11:28:50

Hello there happy new year, I'm new at this, I just got a young syrian hamster for Xmas, bought it a Week and 3 days ago and I have some questions.

1. My hamster started gnawing his cage today (wire cage), what does it mean? Is it because his teeth started growing? Or is he trying to escape?

2. Seems like my hammy doesn't like to be touched.. he doesen't bite or anything but should I keep trying to get him used to human touch or should I stop bothering him?

3. What can I do to keep my hamster awaken more time, he is sleeping to much lately, he wokes up at 7pm and goes to sleep at 9pm.

4. Some people take their hamster by the fur of their back (like their mother used to) and I've done that a couple of times. Does that hurt or bother the hamster? Or can I handle him sometimes in that way?

Hi Sophie

Happy New Year to you too.

OK - in answer to your questions:

1.  this is quite common.  Their teeth grow all the time and they need to keep them short by gnawing. Make sure he has plenty of things to chew on.  There are treats stuck on wooden sticks, or edible houses (Snack Shak - from Pets at Home).  These will help him but he may still gnaw his bars as some never seem to grow out of this.  Check where he is gnawing that he isn't chewing the plastic base.

2.  The more you handle your hamster now the better.  Hamsters like to be on the move all the time and many don't like actually being stroked, but you should be able to handle him easily.  If he doesn't want to be stroked or walk on you (some don't like the sensation of skin) then try him on your clothing.  When picking him up scoop him by sliding a hand each side of him or slide one hand under him.  I never scruff mine unless I am having to check teeth.  It is easy to damage their eyes if you scruff too much and also it is much better to tame him to walk onto your hands.

3.  Male Syrians are lazy - once they settle into their home they seem to get even worse.  The only way round this is to try and get him into a pattern.  Gently tap the outside of his cage and call his name.  See if he will wake up and come out.  Always reward him with a treat when he is out and about and talk to him - this way he will associate your voice with a treat and be more inclined to wake up and see what he's missing.  If you do the same thing each evening, more or less at the same time, he should get used to it and start to rally.  Have you got an exercise ball for your hamster?  If not, this might help.  Sometimes they just curl up and sleep in them - in which case return him to his cage, but sometimes they love exploring the room in their ball.

4.  as above - I never scruff unless I am trimming teeth, or examining them.

Hope this is of some help.  Feel free to get back in touch if you need any more info.
