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Hamsters, Hibernation or sick?

21 13:32:56

We came home tonight to find our thermostat reading 64* I read that a hamster could go into a sort of hibernation if the temperature drops like that.  When I didn't hear her usual loud exercising on the wheel, I thought I'd check on her.  She's very still, but still breathing.  I put a heat lamp over her after reading this may help.  Is she sick?  Hibernating? Please help.  The kids will be devastated tomorrow if she's still not with us.   Thanks!!

Sounds like shes hibernating, to wake her up gently increase the temperature...or the heat lamp might work just as well, it might take a while, but she will wake up again, i had a friend who used the hair dryer to wake hers up.
 keep checking on her, don't let the lamp get too hot, if her breathing becomes irregular then she may well be sick,you may want to take her to the vet, but if shes about two years old, she may just well be old, and its time for her to go to hamster heaven. hopefully it won't come to that.
 When hamsters hibernate they go very still and cold, and its too easy to mistake them for dead. so before you bury her do check her over and make sure the heating is how it would normally be for her. if she still doesn't wake up, well may she rest in peace.
  i do hope she wakes up soon. let me know what happens. i hope this helps
 suzi x