Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Gerbils and Hamsters > Dwarf hamster dying?

Dwarf hamster dying?

21 11:30:43

QUESTION: Hi- Our Russian dwarf hamster recently shows a large bald spot on the backside near her rear.  Now she is listless, doesn't move and breaths rapidly.  I see blood stains on her bedding where she is curled up.  I am afraid to pick her up to check her out. She may be 1 1/2 - 2 1/2 years old.  I am assuming she is dying.  I changed her bedding to the safe one recommending by the pet store when we first saw balding.  The pet store said fleas and mites is rare, so we didn't treat her for that. The cage also stinks more than usual.  Her eyes don't open and she is just curled up on top of her bedding.  Please help!  Thanks, Carolyn

ANSWER: Hi Carolyn

I'm afraid it sounds as though your hamster is very ill and is clearly dying.  I would advise that you get her to a vet urgently so that they can examine her and they will probably recommend euthanasia at this stage.  Hamsters rarely show pain, but when they do - i.e. are hunched up, not wanting to move etc. they are in a lot of pain.  Therefore the kindest thing would be to seek veterinary advice - if your vet thinks they can prescribe pain relief etc. they may well do this, but it really depends on the quality of life you can expect her to have.

I'm sorry to be telling you this. I do hope you get on OK.


---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Hi-  You were right, she died that night. :( Can you guess what she may of died from?  Remember, she had a bald spot on her hindquarters and blood on her bedding.  I think fleas were involved.  Can they kill hamsters, if it got bad?  Thanks for your time- I really appreciate it!

Hi Carolyn

I'm sorry to hear that your hamster died.

I think that the bald spot might not have been directly the cause of her death - and is probably unrelated.  Hamsters get a lot of tumors, and these can put pressure on vital organs or rupture.  The blood that you found on her bedding may well have been coming from inside her, rather than a superficial bleed from scratched skin.

I have had a few hamsters who died like this.  At the first sign of blood I usually get them to the vet and in every case, after they have been put to sleep or have died, the vet has given them a thorough examination and found an abdominal tumor that is causing the problem. It is very sad that they are prone to getting these, and that so many die from them.

The fact is, however, that there is nothing you could have done and she would have died anyway.

I'm really sorry for your loss as it is always very upsetting to see a pet die and particularly when you feel helpless in knowing what to do.  I hope, however, that you will get another hamster at some stage as they make such fantastic pets.

All the best