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Hamter killed hamster

21 13:30:15

My flatmate had 2 dwarf hamters for about 2 years. They had a cage the size of a printer (don't know the size in centimeters), but it was a double-story.

He never really had toys for them, just a small 'hut' to sleep in and a running wheel. They always fighted and never slept together either - always as far away from each other as possible.

I don't actually know why he had them as he probably only took them out the cage maybe once every 2 weeks and let them run around in the lounge.

Anyway, 2 days ago he gave them their food and notice some fluff in the one corner. He then opened the little @hut' where the one hamster always sleeps in and saw he upside down, stuffed up and dead. Looking for the other one, he realised, the only thing left of him is the bit of fur! This aboslutely shocked me! How can 1 hamster eat the other just like that?

Please give me some advice as I cannot find any answers on the internet.

Thank you!



Dear Ghitta,
thank you for your question.
It's normal for rodents to eat dead animals, especially if they are in a small cage. It's just a way to clean up. It's unusual that the whole hamster is gone, but I assume that maggots ect. ate their share, too.
What really amazes me is that the two hamsters didn't kill each other sooner, since dwarf hamsters are just as solitary as Syrian hamsters and the cage was way too small even for a single hamster.
I hope I was of some help to you