Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Gerbils and Hamsters > should i be worried?

should i be worried?

21 11:31:48


I recently received a Teddybear hamster for a surprise present. I've gotten her a cage and a bunch of extensions so there are plenty of places for her to explore. My brothers even got her several toys including a hamster ball and treats, she seemed to love it for the first several days and was very very active but lately she seems to be sleeping a whole lot more than usual and every now and again she makes these little squeaking noises that sound like sneezes but i don't know if they are. also the fur on the top of her head and a little on the back of her neck seem to be looking matted or like she's sweating or something. is this something i should be worrying about or should i just wait and see what happens? i was planing on taking her to the vet as soon as possible but i just wanted to see what you think i should do. thank you soooooooo much for your help!!!


Hi Jackie

Some hamsters are quite vocal and can squeak or snore.  If it is definitely a sneezing sound, then have a look at the bedding/wood chippings you are using. Some of the wood chippings contain oils to make them smell better but they are bad for the hamster - so have a look at the bag to check it is suitable for small animals.  If it is, you might want to avoid using it for a week - replace it with paper bedding - it will mean cleaning her out daily but at least you will be able to see if this is what is upsetting her.  Also, are there any air fresheners in the room - or is perfume etc. being sprayed near her.  Hamsters rely heavily on their scent as their eye sight is so bad and as a result they can become allergic to certain smells - so it might be a case of trying to eliminate what is causing her to sneeze.  

Another condition, which is much more serious can be brought on by damp conditions.  if she is sleeping in a plastic house in her cage - get rid of it or at least remove the lid.  These attract condensation and if they store their food in it, this can become damp, or if they pee on their food etc. it attracts a fungus and if the spores are released into the air and a hamster breathes them in, this can make them very sick indeed - one of the symptoms of this is that the hamster struggles to breathe and tends to lie on their side in order to catch breath.  If this is the case she would need to see a vet urgently.

Hamsters can also get colds - but if this is the case they tend to display other symptoms, runny eyes, nose etc.  In which case they need to see a vet.

Often hamsters are hyperactive when they are first rehomed but as they settle in and get used to their environment some can become a lot lazier and perhaps she is just getting in a routine.

If hamsters sleep in a closed environment - i.e. a house, under a platform etc. they can sweat and their fur can sometimes stick on them.  Check her nest to make sure it's not damp.

Good luck with this.
