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my hamster still makes the sneezing noises

21 11:36:12

hi my hamster still makes those sneezing noises and she makes some different ones now, i have changed the sawdust and the bedding but i have found that she still makes the noises... i do not think she has got a cold because i don't think she makes any of the side effects should i phone the store where i got her from and if she did have a cold what should i do thanks for your time,

Hi Sofie

If your hamster has got a cold, then she will need to see a vet as they will need to prescribe the necessary medication.  However, I think that contacting the pet store is a good idea - can you go in there and have a chat with them?  You could see their other hamsters and check what type of bedding etc. they use.  You could also find out if any other hamsters they've got are making the same noises.  This might shed some light on why yours is still making these noises.


Hi Sofie

Having seen your response.  Some Pets at Home shops have their inhouse veterinary clinic - therefore they may be able to offer you some advice and put your mind at rest.

Hope you get on OK.