Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Gerbils and Hamsters > WHATS HAPPIENING???????


21 11:55:30

my hamster is a dwarf hamster this morning i saw her tail all purple and her nails turned DARK RED is her tail or nails swallon??? dose she have wet tail i don't know whats happening!!! shes not eating or drinking shes just sleeping and waking up to look around and than going to sleep again i'm scard she would die because she is not eating or drinking is there any medison for this crazy sickness??? thanks for your help -jessica

It sounds like she may have a blood infection or blood clots.  To my knowledge, there is nothing you can do at home but the vet will probably give you an antibiotic.  If her toes aren't getting enough blood flow she may lose them just like you would due to poor circulation.  Try to syringe her some water so she is at least getting fluids and take her to the vet as soon as you can.

Good luck, let me know what happens and if I can help with anything else, just ask