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bleeding hamster, please help

21 11:52:30

Our hamster was bleeding last week and I as a crazy mom and animal lover took her to the vet. Well he said by looking at her for less than a minute that she was bleeding from the vulva and had a urinanry infection. He gave her a shot, a seven day antibiodic and an 87.00 bill. Needless to say she is still bleeding a week later and just seems off to me, like not herself at all. Any suggestions, I do not want to see her suffer if she is??? Thanks a million.  

Normally an antibiotic will clear up a URI.  You may want to either call that vet again and tell him the problem isn't clearing up as promised and he may have other suggestions.  Occasionally when a small animal is in heat their will be very mild vaginal bleeding but I'm talking about a drop or two, nothing serious.  I would call again just to be safe and he may suggest try another antibiotic.  Thanks for being a responsible pet owner in the first place though!

Let me know if I can help with anything else,