Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Gerbils and Hamsters > Famlie of 8/7 gerbils

Famlie of 8/7 gerbils

21 11:42:55

QUESTION: We have a famlie of 8 now. Well we did but one did not make it... anyways here
is my question. This is our first dealings with gerbils so I'm learning as I go.
For the bedding I was useing Pine until Two fo the pups got "Clicking" and I
learned the down falls of it. So I switched to Aspen. Is that ok do ues not only
for breeding but as an all aroung bedding.? And is the "clicking " contagis to
the other pups? Right after the first two got it I went out and got all the meds
for them, well the next day I noticed that 1 more got it. was he just a late
blommer so to speak? My other question is this. Every one says that the need
sand to clean themselves with. What kind of sand  is ok for this. I got them
some clean play sand but watned to ask befor putting it in there. Is this ok?
Thanks..... Candice

ANSWER: Hi Candice,

I can answer 2 of your 3 questions.  (Unfortunately, I'm not quite sure what you mean by "clicking."  If you mean what I think, the gerbils are making clicking noises because their respiratory systems were irritated by the Pine.  So it's great that you've already switched to Aspen, a much safer choice.)

Aspen bedding is great for gerbils.  It's safe, soft, and cheap.  Carefresh bedding is also a good choice.  (Avoid Cedar bedding, since, like Pine bedding, it causes respitory problems)

Gerbils don't actually need sand.  They just like to roll in it sometimes, because it helps their fur to stay healthy.  (However, if you never used sand with a gerbil, his fur coat would still be fine, so the sand is not necessary.)  If you want your gerbils to use sand, you'll need to get Chinchilla Sand from the pet store.  (Avoid Chinchilla *Dust* which causes respiratory problems.)  Pour some sand into a shallow container, and let your gerbils roll in it for about 10-15 minutes once a week.  You shouldn't place the sand in the cage.

Have a great day!

If you have any other questions, please feel free to ask :)


---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Thank you so much!!! The last person I asked couldn't say any thing about anything. But here is a nother question. The pups are right at three weeks old. I have noticed that  ( it was two) four of the five pups are no longer sleeping in the nest. They are sleeping were the food is kept. I put them back evry time but they will not stay. Could it be that she is kicking them out due to another litter going? And if so then why is there still one left with them? I would yell you what breed they are but I'm still learing that part. The father is solid black with one white spot on each of his front paws and the mother is solid whit with red eyes. Now with the pups there is only one just like the father ( spots and all) and the other four are... how do I say this... brownish black? a litel darker then beach sand? So if that helps then good but I will try to learn more on that. But thank you for your help on this.

Hi Candice,

It sounds like you have standard Mongolian gerbils (the most common kind).

As far as the sleeping arrangements, I wouldn't worry too much.  Since the babies are now 3 weeks, they're more independent and becoming less dependent on their mother's milk.  However, if your mother gerbil is pregnant again, she may be trying to kick them out of the nest.  Again, that's no big deal, as long as they're not fighting.

If you have any other questions, please feel free to ask :)
