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Behaviour change

21 13:29:58

We have had our syrian hamster for 4 weeks and was 10 weeks old when we got him. We have handled him alot and he has been very friendly and extremely inquisitive when he hears us in the room. Recently he bit my son and since then his behaviour has changed and he seems aggressive towards us and will try to bite me when I put my hand in his cage to lift him out. Is this something to do with his age? Should I leave him for a few days or should we keep handling him and see if this aggressive behaviour stops?

Dear Korinne,
thank you for your question.
I don't think it has something to do with the age of the hamster, but it might be that he is in sick or hurt and in pain when you try to handle him. See a vet with him to rule this out. If it's nothing medical, it might be that he was frightened by something, then he will get used to you again when you keep handling him (maybe you shouldn't put your hand in the cage, but let the hamster come by himself when he wants to).
I hope I was of some help to you