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Baby hamsters and the wheel

21 13:30:44

Followup To
Question -
We bought a hamster on Saturday and woke up to 4 babies on Sunday - Surprise!  We have found information about what to and not to do so we feel pretty comfortable in that area.  However, this evening, JuJu (mom), had her babies with her in her wheel.  She had 1 in her mouth and the others were just tumbling around.  We have a Critter Trail X cage.  We were able to get her and the babies out without touching any of them but JuJu was greatly disstressed.  It will be interesting to see if we still have babies in the morning.  Anyway, were we correct in doing this?  How long can she go without her wheel?  We have blocked off that area so she can't get back up there for now.  Should we get something for inside the cage or would she do the same thing?  On another note, our boys are just dying to play with her.  We told them they had to wait a couple of days after we brought her home and now they have even longer to wait.  Will a week or 10 days be enough time or should we wait longer?  Also, it seems that JuJu's potty area is right next to her "nest" area.  Is this fine?  Do we need to wait the 2 weeks before cleaning that out?  Thanks so much!
Answer -
The answer I got said that "I have answered this question for you once before."  This is the first time I have ever asked this question and the first time I had ever used this service.  I will not use it again.

Hi. I am so sorry...i actually answered this question before and i guess it never sent which is why i said it was a duplicate. I do apologize for that and here is your answer:

Ideally the babies should have just been left to their own devices. However, this should not have really done any damage to them or mom. As for JuJu's wheel, she's VERY busy with the babies and is getting all the exercise she needs running around with the kids. As for the holding, i would reccomend not picking up the babies until they have fur and the eyes have opened aznd they are starting to leave mom for short periods. As for holding mom, i would wait until the babies are quite independent as being removed from them could be stressful. The boys can put their hands in the cage and touch mom if she will allow it but if she's stressed out, she'll let you know by baring her teeth which is a signal to back off. Mom is most likely pooing next to the nest because she's exhausted and doesn't want to have to go far away from the babies for longer than needed. You can spot clean the area as long as mom isn't trying to bite you as you're doing it. Good luck and i again apologize for the confusion. I'm not sure what happened to my original answer and hopefully this one will reach you.
