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dying gerbil

21 11:57:02

our class gerbil has hypothermia and is not eating or drinking. He has occasional twitches and his eyes are shut close. Our other gerbil died because he had hypothermia and we don't want that to happen again. what can we do at school besides taking him to a vet. we want to know as soon as possible because he can die any minute.
   Everyone in Michigan at Power Middle School

Hello Everybody,

Unfortunately without a vet there isn't much you can do to save him as he would need medical treatment, but you can help him. You need to make sure he is kept nice and warm, so make sure his cage is somewhere where there is no wind or drafts coming through that might make him cold. Make sure he has plenty of bedding to keep him warm and snuggle up in.

You need to try and get him to eat and drink, and this may mean you have to partly force feed him. You need a syringe or dropper and push the water into his mouth from the syringe so he has to swallow it. Do this very very slowly as you don't want to choke him!! Do this several times each day. This is important as he can easily die from just having nothing to drink!!

You need to do the same with food, but not normal gerbil food. You need to get some human baby food from the store (Cow and Gate Sunshine Banana is the best one although i don't know if you have that one in America?) If not just get some baby food (that is powder in the box) mix it with water to make a smooth paste, and feed this the same you did with the water, again several times a day. This is important as it will give him lots of nutrients that he needs, and may help him try and fight his illness!!!

I hope this answer isn't too late, and good luck!
Let me know how he does.
Just ask if you need more help,

Good Luck!