Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Gerbils and Hamsters > 4 Year Old Gerbil called Scooby

4 Year Old Gerbil called Scooby

21 11:31:44

Scooby has a scab over his scent gland and it has been bleeding a little whilst handling.  I noticed that there is blood on his bridge so thought he may have hurt it on the bridge.  Is there anything I can do to help him e.g put cream on the wound, or how to keep it clean.

Hi Jayne,

The absolute best thing to use on wounds on animals is hibiscrub. It's main purpose is as an antibactieral handwash, however it is safe for use on animals and does wonders to prevent germs getting in. You can buy hibiscrub from anywhere on the web in different size bottles, i have put a link below for you just so you know what you are looking for:

A bottle of this will last ages, and you can use it on your own hands as well afterwards!!

Tea Tree cream you could use as well, but it must be from a pet shop where it is designed for animals such as rabbits. This will help soothe the wound!!

I hope this helps you, and that he is ok!!