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Picky Hamster

21 11:28:48


My Hamster seems to like just certain seeds from his plate.. I give him a mix of seeds ("Nederlands Vita Seeds").

Thats kind of a problem because that doen't allow me to calculate how much food he needs. The bag of the food says 2 to 2 1/2 tablespoons, I give him only 1 because of the big part of the food he doesen't eat, when I put the tablespoon of food he picks again his favorite seeds and leaves the same seeds he never eats...  I don't like wasting food without being touched and that's why it bothers me. Anyway.. Why is he leaving those seeds? If he keeps picking, would my hamster be a healthy hamster even though I just feed him with one kind of seed like sunflower seeds? Or is it better to make my hammy eat a variable meal?

I would suggest changing foods.  It is normal for hamsters to pick through their food and pick out their favorites but if he is leaving a large amount of food that he won't eat then maybe he simply doesn't like it.  I would change foods and offer him food and water all the time. You can supplement him with some hamster treats and fresh veggies such as carrots and lettuce just in small amounts so not to give diarrhea.  Also offer milkbone dog biscuits to keep his teeth ground down and apples if you have them.

I hope this helps.