Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Gerbils and Hamsters > One gerbil of a pair died. Should I get a new one as a companion?

One gerbil of a pair died. Should I get a new one as a companion?

21 12:00:02

My son had two gerbils that were sisters, purchased almost two years ago.  Last night, we found one of them dead, and we are not sure why.  She had not shown any signs of being sick.  My question is, should we try to introduce another gerbil to the one still living?  Is she too old for that?  If we do not get her another companion, is there anything special we need to do to help her stay happy and healthy?

Hello Esther,

Firstly i am very sorry and sad for your loss, it must be horrible!!

It is highly unlikely you will get your gerbil to except another friend, she will fight with it and they may kill each other. Although she will probably feel a bit lonely you can help her out by handling her and showing her that you still love her!!

Sometimes when a gerbils companion dies they become withdrawn and sleep a lot, so you just need to try and encourage her to keep active. Give her toilet rolls, egg boxes, and let her out for a run about!!

It is sad that you can't introduce a friend for them easily when one dies, but unfortunatley they just become aggressive!!

It is possible sometimes, but it takes a lot of work and there is never a guarantee it will work, and then you may be stuck with two single gerbils. Also if you did get her a friend and then she died you would be in the same situation with the other gerbil!!

I would imagine your gerbil probably died of old age, as they normally only live between 2-4years!! So i don't think your other gerbil will be at risk from anything!! As long she as food and fresh water, bedding etc she should be fine! You can give her dandelions, a bit of carrot, bananna etc as a treat!!

I hope this helps you, but if you need to know anything else din't hesitate to ask!!

Again i am very sorry for your loss,