Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Gerbils and Hamsters > sticky eyes that wont open/cold/flu

sticky eyes that wont open/cold/flu

21 13:27:46




  THanks so much for the helpful response about Boris. (Btw, are there any home remedies I can give him if he does catch a cold/flu? I don't make a lot of money so I can't afford to take him to the vet and get the medication..I wish I could though.) I checked on him this morning and he was completely differnent. He took his treat, but he still wouldn't open his one eye. Today when I got home from work, he is wacting like nothing happened. Is it possible that he was sleep walking or in a really deep sleep? (can that even happen?) He's running in his wheel and everything. CAn you explain any of this to me? Thanks again. Frankie

hello again.
its possible his eyes aren't opening due to a bit of sleep in them (like sometimes when you wake up and your eyes are a bit sticky). with a cold he my have more of this 'stickiness' than usual.
there's not a lot you can personally do for a hamster cold. antibiotics would clear up any infection, however as with human colds its just a case of riding it out for the duration.
as long as he doesn't get any worse then chances are he'll be ok, and if you say he's better than the last time you wrote to me, thats a bonus!
just keep an eye on him.
get well soon boris!
thanks for your question, jewel