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Sexing my hamster

21 11:13:54

I was given a Syrian hamster and would like at get a mate for it.  How do I tell what sex is of the one Ive got?

Grasp the hamster gently but firmly in your left hand. The hamster will become frightened if held with too much pressure, so do not squeeze too tightly.

Turn over the hamster so it is on its back.

Bloww warm air onto the hamster to calm it while brushing back the fur along the rear. Warmth reassures the hamster and keeps it calm.

Hold the hamster by the scruff of its neck and look carefully at the area around the anus.

Look at the "vents," or openings, at the rear. A male will have more space between the openings of its rear and its penile opening. The female will have almost no space at all between the anus and the vaginal opening.

Check to see if the animal has a scrotal sac. If it does, then it is obviously a male. The more sexually mature the animal is, the more pronounced the scrotal sac will be.