Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Gerbils and Hamsters > sick?


21 13:26:42

My hamster has been acting strangly lately. He bit me when I tried to pick him, and he has never done that before. Then his eyes started to look more red, and bigger. Now he has been sitting in the same spot and shaking. At first i thought he was sleeping but his stomach is moving. He is a all white dwarf hamster. This is my first hamster so I have nothing to compare it to. Please help.


Hmmm, eyes looking more red and getting bigger. Hmmmm.. that's something really strange that i've rarely seen in a small animal. I would take him to the vet to get looked at because it sounds like something internal is going on. Don't try to touch him since he is being aggressive. He's probably hurting and that's why he is being mean. Please keep me updated on him as I have no other advice but the vet since there's nothing over the counter that you can try.