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My hamster has a scab...

21 13:26:42

My hamster has a large scab on his hind left leg. He's only around 7 months old, and he is a golden hamster. He's always been a very active hamster (sometimes running on his wheel all night and well into the next day), and he's maintained his regular behavior, as far as I can tell. I can't find any blood in the cage, and I don't know what may have caused this. Should I be concerned?

Hello, hmmm he probably injured himself and it's healing just fine, If he's maintained regular behavior then he just probably hurt himself. I wouldn't worry too much really. Just monitor the scab to make sure it doesn't get worse but he should be fine. Check him to make sure he's not losing hair anywhere else and he doesn't have red scaley skin anywhere on his body. Those could indicate mites, but with that one scab I wouldn't worry too much. :-)