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hamster - Dry/Flaky Skin

21 11:40:34


I have a 2 year old Syrian (i think) hamster who unfortunately had mites about 3 months ago she has had treatment (3 injections form the vet) and seems fine (i does not look or act ill ect) however when she got the mites we noticed it via baldness under her chin, and since then while the hair under her chin has partially grown back she has now become very bald over  the top of her back legs her skin seems fine except for a small patch of dry skin on her back. As i assume it cant be the mites again i have assumed that it is allergy based ( i did use pine shavings as bedding and also my hamster did have an allergic reaction to the first injection from the vet) and have changed to a hypo allergenic bedding instead. Are there any other possibilities causing her problem as she seems perfectly fine she is also on vitamins drops in her water but to be honest these seem not to have had any real effect.
could it just be old age? Any help would be appreciated


Hi Beth,

    I would have to say that the hair loss is due to old age, which is common in older hamsters. It would not hurt to check over her again for mites (tiny red dots moving around), just to be safe because hamsters can get mites from bedding material as well. If no mites are present and she is having no other symptoms, then the hair loss is probably due to her age.
    If you have anymore questions, please write again.

Thank you for writing!