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blood on gerbil?

21 11:52:51

well, we thought that, but we NEVER see them fight......or are they fighting whenever were not there?
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I have learned that male gerbils will display behavior that looks as if they are mating by showing dominance (i think). With our gerbils, two in particular, our white one is showing a good amount of blood on his backside and some on other areas as well. Our peach gerbil show signs of blood as well but only near the genital area. I believe, based on the locations of blood on the white gerbil, that the peach one is bleeding and not the white. My question is why? what is causing this bleeding?
are your two gerbils in the same page? If so you need to separate them because one is fighting with the other and he will seriously hurt the other one even worse if you don't separate them. They are fighting for dominance and too aggressive towards each other and they need to be separated asap. Try to clean off the blood to check the wounds and put some neosporin on the wounds.

A lot of times they could be fighting when you don't see them, but generally most people see some form of dominance issues or they notice that the two don't get along. Generally wounds on the genital area is a sign that they are fighting because a lot of animals bite near the genital area in fights. Do you ever hear squeaking noises of squealing noises at night time, or are the gerbils in a different room from where you are at? The best option to do is to seperate them to just rule out fighting and if they heal and the wounds don't come back then you know they were certainly fighting.