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i want a new hampster

21 11:42:38

i have two  questions number 1. i don't know what breed my hamster is i got it given to me how can i know what breed he is? number 2. i want a new hamster but i have had one for a year already but i don't want to buy a new cage as they cost to much and as i said i don't know what breed he is i want a new one so i can keep my other hamster happy as he always looks sad what can  i do?

Hi Alisha,

There are 2 more common types of hamsters: Syrian hamsters (also known as Teddy Bear hamsters, Black Bear hamster, and Golden hamsters), and Dwarf hamsters.

Syrian hamsters are the larger type of hamster, and they come in many colors.  They are solitary animals, and they *cannot* be kept more than one to a cage.  If there are 2 Syrian hamsters in one cage, they will fight violently, resulting in the death of one of the hamsters.  Here's a link to a picture of one:

Dwarf hamsters are smaller, and most of the time, they're either gray and white, or tannish-brown and white.  They are social creatures, and are best kept in same-sex pairs (but, they have to have known each other since they were babies).  Here's a link to a picture:

Whichever breed you have, you won't be able to put another hamster in with your current hamster, because your hamster has been alone for a very long time.  He would fight with the new hamster, and one of the hamsters would be killed.

If you do want a new hamster, you'll have to buy another cage.  Since you said you don't want to buy a new cage, you won't be able to get a new hamster.  So, just try playing with your hamster more, and keep him entertained.  Give him new toys, and let him run in a run-around ball for about 10 minutes, once or twice a day.

Have a great day!

If you have any other questions, please feel free to ask :)
