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Hammies living Together

21 11:05:01

Hi, I want to get 2 winter white or Russian hammies, but I dont know if they can live together. If they can do they need a bigger cage? Or 2 nests? Will they fight

Hi Fiona

Thanks for your question.

The answer is Yes - winter whites can live together.  Campbells, or Chinese can also live in pairs.  Syrians definitely cannot.

In terms of them fighting - this is always a danger and you need to prepare that this might happen.  However, the best way of preventing this is to get two from the same litter. Make sure they are the same sex so you don't end up with babies.  I've had pairs of dwarf hamsters who have lived together happily, but occasionally you will find some that don't.  There will always be one who is more dominant, and it really depends on how dominant they are, and what the reaction is of the other one.

If you hear them squabbling or see them fighting and it becomes a regular occurence; if one is always being chased by the other and being bullied; if one is afraid to go near the food bowl; or if they sleep apart all the time, then you need to seriously consider separating them before it gets out of hand.  However, they will have minor squabbles from time to time and sometimes will sleep apart, so don't react the first time it happens - just monitor them closely. I think you'll know if a simple family squabble has turned into anything more serious. If you separate them at any stage, you can't put them back together again.

The bigger the cage the better.  Dwarf hamsters don't really climb so a single storey cage or tank is best - as large as you can afford/fit in.  They love lots of obstacles - tubes etc. to run through.  Also, I've noticed that dwarf hamsters do tend to move their nest around, so it is good to put various things in that they can sleep in - mine used to love sleeping in a small cardboard box - when it got soiled I would throw it away and find another one - so you don't need to buy loads of things.

Also, see if you can fit two small wheels into the cage - this way they won't fight as they are bound to both want a run at the same time.

I hope this helps you.
