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syrian housing

21 13:31:35

i would like to buy the Hamster Habitat Cage from Lixit. its all plastic, no wire bars. im not sure if this will not have enough venilation. if this isnt a good cage. what do you suggest for a syrian hamster.

Hi Leah,

You're right, it may not have enough ventilation.  An aquarium has this problem sometimes, too, and that's why wire and plastic cages are usually recommended.  One of my favorite types of cages is the Crittertrail Two cage.  It's a 2-story cage that has a plastic base and top and wire front and back.  It also has a third level for your hamster to sleep in.  It's great for climbing and it comes with a food bowl and a water bottle (although since this bottle is all plastic and sits on the second floor I would advise you to purchase one of those traditional type water bottles with the metal ball, and put it one the first floor near the base).  It's about the same price as the Lixit cage, and it's widely available on the Internet and in pet stores.

If you have any other questions, please feel free to ask.
