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Help! I ma concerned something happened to my hamster!

21 11:50:50

Kathryn, please help me! I am begging you! I just got to Dwarf hamsters for christmas this year and one is a boy and one is a girl. I named them Romeo and Juliet. No, they do not fight. They get along good, they dont even bother each other. I caught them mating a couple of times. A while later, i saw a little bump rising on my female hamster, Juliet. I thought she was going to have babies. I told my parents , they were kind of exited because they saw i was. But, yesterday when i was cleaning my hamster cage i went to pick up Juliet and she had like a little(pimple looking) thing just above her private(on the stomach area). I got really scard. I amediattly told my dad. He said he thought it was either a growth or a infection. Then, i called up my best friend, Tara, she said that it could be the milk for when she has the babies so they can milk on her. I have no clue who to bellieve! I am just really scard! My parents just left today to go on vacation. I am staying home with my sister and brother who are older then me. They are only going to be away for 2 days. My mom said to just keep checking on Juliet and not to play with her to much, just to let her rest. Please, Please help me....i have pretty much only have had my hamsters for 3 months and i love them! Please help me because i dont no what to do! I asked this question on several other website and nobody could answer it. Please be the first to answer it! I would really appreciate! Sorry for this letter being so long, i just wanted to add as much details as possible. Oh yea, and i have one more detail to add, no, juliet or romeo are not old. They are young. Please answer my question as fast as you can!  

Hi Jenna,
I can see you love your hamsters very much. You clearly care for them very well.
I think it is just the nipples raising so the pups can find them more easily, so they can feed. You will probably see several more in the next few days. They should be pink in colour. It is perfectly normal and nothing at all to worry about. When the pups are born, they may become very slightly inflamed, as the pups will bite them to stimulate the milk flow, which may make them slightly red. This is also very normal.

Your mum (or mom in the US) is right. Keep an eye on her and  try not to handle her very much. She will give birth after 16 to 18 days, so be prepared with plenty bedding and good food. A little dog meat will keep her protein levels high, which helps her through the pregnancy.

Best of luck,

If you have any more questions, please ask.