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Do Hampsters Hibernate

21 11:33:39

We have a Russian Dwarf we did have two but one died, now the other one appears to be dead, but we did read in a book that sometimes when there is a drop in temperature they can hibernate and not to be quick to bury them. It's pouches are full and it is cold but it is not stiff, we put the cage by a fire last night to see if it would revive but nothing happened. Is it dead, should bury it, or could it be hibernating. If so how long how long will it hibernate for? Thank you for your help.

yes hamsters do hibernate. you should be able to see very very small breaths if you look really closely. don't put it next to direct heat, but put it in a warmer room, they should come around in about an hour to two hours if they are hibernating. a hamster hibernates until it gets warm enough to wake them from their sleep.

if it still hasn't woken up, take it to pet store and they'll confirm it 100%

Fingers crossed for you and best of luck, thank you for your question.

Joanne xx