Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Gerbils and Hamsters > lump on the bottom of my dwarf hampster

lump on the bottom of my dwarf hampster

21 11:55:54

My dwarf hamster has a lump near his hind legs on the bottom.  He is about a year and a half.  His activity seems fine. What is this?

Hi Kayla,

    This could be one of two things. One it could be a tumor or two, it could be an abscess. Try to look at the lump, if you see a bite or a scratch, then it is probably an abscess. If it is an abscess then you should see a vet, if the abscess were to burst, it could become infected and the infection could be fatal.
    Some vets will also remove tumors. But sometimes the process is harder on the hamster than having the tumor. If you think it is a tumor (some feel hard and others feel soft and there will be no marks on it or the area around it), I would suggest just keeping an eye on it and if it seems to be getting bigger or it is becoming a problem for your hamster (like having trouble moving around)then I would consult with a vet.
    If you have anymore questions, please write again.

Thank you for writing and best of luck!