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What has happen to my hamster?

21 11:55:55

Dear Jedediah,
I've just bought a roborovski hamster a few days ago.I notice that my hamster doesn't seem to drink any water.Besides,it only eats a little.I feed it with sunflower seeds and I even bought a drinking bottle for it.It has not drunk for two days...What should I do?Should I get a partner(as if it seems like kind of lonely?)

Dear Betty,
thank you for your question.
Roborovski hamsters drink very little, but offer it water in a bowl as well as in a bottle to make sure he finds it (some hamsters take some time to learn how to drink from a bottle). Do you feed only sunflower seeds? Those should only be a treat because they are very fatty. Offer the hamster a mixture of bird seeds and a good hamster food without peanuts and sunflowerv seeds and without fruits, for example this one:
As a rule of thumb, mix one cup of the hamster food with three cups of the birds seeds. If you can find grass seeds, mix those in, too. Roborovski hamster feed on small seeds in the wild, food for Syrian hamsters is way too fatty for them.
Offer it vegetables and leafy greens at least every other day. Roborovski hamsters shouldn't have fruit or sugary treats because they are suspectible to disease caused by a diet with too much sugar, for example diabetes.

Introducing two hamsters that are not littler mates doesn't work in 99% of all cases. They do live together as breeding pairs in the wild, but in captivity, even those often fight and pairs of the same sex will start to fight sooner or later. Your hamster won't get lonely or bored alone as long as it has enough toys and a big enough cage to dig, run and play in.
I hope I was of some help to you