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Speedy Hamster

21 11:10:39

Hey. we just got a syrian hamster who is 12 weeks old and he is too speedy to handle. We left him for a few days to get used to his new home and one day while we were talking to him and changing his food he sniffed our hand and stood on it. He is really really friendly and not a biter but whenever we hold him he flies off and we run the risk of having an escape or an accident! How can we stop this and make it safer to handle him?
Thanks for any suggestions!

Hi Emily

His behaviour is normal for a hamster of his age.  However, he will calm down a bit as he gets older.  In fact a lot of males calm down so much in the end that sometimes it is hard to get them to rally.

Hamsters don't like being held, especially not tightly and as you have discovered he likes to keep on the move.  Therefore if you try to restrict him he will jump.

The best way I have found to handle a hamster is to 'scoop' the hamster up and immediately put it on my clothing.  I don't know what type of cage you have for him - whether you can remove the top section to get to him, or if he is happy to walk out a side doorway.  Some hamsters don't like walking on skin but they feel much more comfortable to walk on clothing.  I usually sit down with the hamster and let them wander over me - if the hamster starts to wander off I slide a hand under him and gently bring him back.  I don't grab at him or squeeze him.  By sliding a hand under a hamster generally they react well to this.   After a few minutes of this I normally return the hamster to their cage. By then they are so curious they want to come straight out.  If there is a side door to his cage open this and call him and he should learn that this is the way to leave his cage.  If he wants to come straight out, let him.

If you want to handle him and have a 'cuddle', then again the best way is to sit down and hold him against your chest but not tightly.  If you place a hand under him so he doesn't fall and then you have a free hand to stroke him.  Also, talk to him a lot so that he recognises your voice and doesn't feel afraid when you are around.

The more you do this the better he will become over the coming weeks.

Do you have an exercise ball for him?  If not it would be worth investing in one of these.  Do tape over any joins in the ball as they have a habit of opening if they bang into furniture.  You will probably be able to train him to walk straight into this ball from his cage.  I usually let mine run around in them for about 20-30 minutes in the evening, but if they fall asleep I return them to their cage earlier.  Do be careful when you come to get him out of the ball - often it is easier to let him walk out onto your clothing.  If you put your hand in the ball he might feel threatened and bite as hamster's eyesight is very bad and they rely heavily on their sense of smell and hearing.

I hope this helps you and that he calms down a bit soon.
