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Two Teddy Bear Hamsters Together

21 11:50:08

Dear Kelly,

I'm sure that this type of question has been asked many times before.  I'm a first time hamster owner (as of today), and did no research on them prior to my purchase.  I did, however, ask the employees at Pet Land (where I made the purchase) many different questions.  My main question regarding this issue was:  "Is it alright to have two teddy bear hamsters living together in the same housing unit/cage?"  All three employees present agreed that it was completely safe to do so.  They did warn me to not mix teddy bear hamsters with other breeds.

Within the first five minutes of living together they started fighting almost nonstop.  I then decided to do some research to make certain that this was normal and nothing to be worried about.  To my surprise, everything that was told to me by my local Pet Land staff was incredibly terrible information.  I have now separated them for the time being, though I only have one cage.  I definitely can't keep them as they are.  Is there any chance that this is playful fighting and that they might be able to coexist within the same cage?  I don't intend to purchase another cage, which is why I asked the Pet Land staff so many questions before the purchase.  They also don't accept returns.  I'm not quite sure what to do about this situation and was hoping that you would be able to offer some help.

It seems strange that they are able to live peacefully with so many others in the pet stores, but not whenever someone takes them home.  What causes this?

I apologize for asking such a lengthy question, and greatly appreciate any information with which you are able to provide me.

Thank you,

Hi Danforth,

You'd be surprised how often pet shop employees have absolutely no idea what they're talking about.  Keeping two Syrian hamsters (aka "Teddy Bear" hamsters) in one cage, like you've read, is a terrible idea.  Syrian hamsters don't live together in the wild, so it's not natural for them to live together in captivity.  Like you've already discovered, they fight constantly.  The fighting will continue, and it will get worse.  Often, if they continue to live in one cage, one of the hamsters will die from the fighting.  That's why it's important to keep them separated.

If you don't intend to get a new cage, then you'll need to find another home for one of the hamsters.  If you don't know of anyone who wants a hamster, you may be able to take the hamster to an animal shelter.  (Call ahead to find out if they'll take it.)

They have started fighting now because they've been moved to a new home.  Also, they're growing up, and that's when they start fighting.  Hopefully you'll be able to find a new home for one of the hamsters.

Though, if you want to keep both of them, a Crittertrail 1 cage is around $15, and it includes a wheel, a water bottle, and a food bowl.  Just a thought :)

Have a great weekend!

If you have any other questions, please feel free to ask :)
