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Bedding and Chewing

21 11:52:47

i've just change my hamster bedding from pine shaving to corn-cob pallett but they seem to not get used to it. Is it because corn cob are harder and they're like small stones? by the way they chew on the corn cob bedding and is it dangerous to them?
I've bought some fruity bites and mineral chew for my hamster to chew but they did not seem to chew at it. Do u have any suggestion of chewing toys that they might like? They are my first pet, i'm keen of them and wanted to make them happy. Please give me some advise.

Dear Eline,
thank you for your question.
Corn cob bedding is not good for rodents because they cannot dig in it and it feels unpleasant when they walk on it. I recommend wood shavings or flax bedding (often used for horses), mixed with hay to make it diggable.
Those treats contain usually way too much sugar, especially if you have dwarf hamsters who are suspectible to diabtetes. The mineral stones may cause kidney stones. Offer them twigs from hazel, oak, beech, birch, willow, apple and pear tree (must be untreated) for chewing as well as cardboard tubes and cork tunnels.
I hope I was of some help to you