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my hamster is getting old

21 11:37:26

My hamster ping, is getting old, I've had him for about two years now. I'm worried about him because he has a bald spot on his back that doesn't seem to be growing back, and all of a sudden he has a flab of skin under his jaws. I'm wondering if maybe his cheek pouches just sagged, or if there is a problem with him. He's eating and drinking fine, but those two problems worry me.

Hi Brittany

When hamsters get to around 2 they often show signs of old age - their fur starts to thin out a bit. This is normal. Providing he isn't scratching and the skin looks red/sore - if so, he needs to see a vet who will prescribe some medicine.  This type of itching is caused by mites and is treatable.

Make sure he's getting plenty of nourishment - if you can, give him a little piece of scrambled egg or cheese once a week, also you can give him human baby food - this contains lots of vitamins/minerals - the powdered variety is the most popular (in particular, the creamy porridge oats).  Mix a small amount with water and put it in a dish for him (about a teaspoon).  he can have this every couple of days.  Make sure you still give him his usual hamster food, and some fresh vegetables daily.  Remove any uneaten vegetables daily so they don't go mouldy.

If he stops drinking/eating/sits hunched up/scratches a lot/has signs of a tumor (pink/purple/red swelling)  then you need to get him to a vet.  Otherwise, it sounds as though he's just a little old hamster.
