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Water supplies

21 11:06:17

Hey!  I've read mixed reviews about providing enough fresh fruits and vegetables to a hamster so as not to depend on a water bottle.  Is this truly possible?  I would prefer not to use a water bottle if it is.  How much fresh food should I give?  My hamster is a female teddy bear hamster.  Please let me know if I can do this.

Dear Ricardo,
thank you for your question.
Hamsters should always have access to a water bottle or bowl. It's possible to use cucumber or another juicy vegetable as a replacement for water for short periods of time, but no longer than 24 hours.
Some hamsters drink very little if they are fed vegetables on a daily basis (which I recommend), but others will drink normally or even a lot even with access to vegetables. Fruits should be fed rarely since they are not part of the natural diet.
I hope I was of some help to you