Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Gerbils and Hamsters > Soar??


21 11:07:27

Hello, I got my hamster about 3 months ago and a few days after i brought him home i realized he had a strawberry looking soar on his back. I have been checking sites and realized pine bedding can cause soars, so i switched his bedding. Now recently I have noticed that the fur on his back has been bugging him ( i can tell because he is always bitting and licking it), it has also been thinning out to wear you can almost see his skin. I don't know what it is our how to fix it... Please help!!!

Hi Cole

The first thing that comes to mind having read your email is that this is a scent gland (assuming this is a Syrian hamster).  Whereabouts on his body is it - it is more on his hips?  Also, is there one the other side?  Sometimes these scent glands are quite pronounced and look like spots.  Also the fur around them can be quite thin and some hamsters lick them a lot.  This is all perfectly normal.

If it isn't this, then there is the possibility that something has irritated him and he has scratched it, causing a sore and also causing the fur to go thin.  This could have been pine bedding.  Some hamsters do react to pine and therefore it is always recommended to either use a woodchip that is free from pine, cypress or cedar as these all contain a volatile oil called thujone which can cause skin irritation, or opt for a completely different type of hamster-friendly bedding.

If this is due to his bedding, then by changing it you should notice a difference after a few days or so.  You could try applying aloe vera (check that it is safe for animals as some of the brands that you buy are specifically made for them), or there is a natural antiseptic that is sold in pet shops called teatree cream which could be applied to ensure that this doesn't infect.  However, if this 'sore' is actually one of his scent glands, don't apply anything to it.

If he is scratching and his skin looks dry/sore, then it could be that he has picked up mites from somewhere.  They can sometimes get them from their bedding, although all hamsters get mites at some stage during their life.  This is easily treated with a drug called Ivermectin.  You can either get this from a vet, or you can buy it in pet shops or on-line - one manufacturer is Beaphar and it is contained in their small animal anti parasite medication.  Make sure it definitely contains this drug and is safe for hamsters.  It is usually applied externally to the back of the neck and repeated a few weeks later.  However, you cannot use this medication if the skin is very sore, broken, bleeding etc.  If this is the case with your hamster then it would be advisable to get a vet to check him out.  He might suggest using a different treatment for him.

I hope this helps you and you get on OK.
