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How can I try to let my hamsters mate?

21 11:56:35

Hi, I'd like to ask if it's possible for them to even mate?
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I'm currently keeping 2 Roborovski hamsters bought at different times in the same cage (one of them is a white face). The female is bought first and the male was bought a few months after the female. Is it possible for them to mate? I've seen them fight once but there seems to be no serious injury. Should I separate them or let them stay together?
Dear Aaron,
thank you for your question.
If the hamsters alrrady fought, I strongly recommend seperating them. Don't wait until one of them is injured, they can hurt each other very seriously during a fight.
I hope I was of some help to you

You can try to put the female into the male's cage (not the other way around) or to let them meet on neutral ground. Don't leave them alone and seperate them when they start to fight. When the female is ready to mate, they will do so if they get along, Roborovski hamsters are choosy when it comes to their partner.
I don't recommend breeding them, though. It will be hard to find good homes for all the babies and you never know where they will end up when you give them to pet shops. Since you know nothing about the genetic makeup of your two hamsters, you cannot be sure that there will no problems with their offspring, some genetic combinations may cause stillborn or malformed babies (no eyes, organ failure ect.). This is rare with Roborovski hamsters, but it cannot be ruled out.
I hope I was of some help