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black bear hamsters

21 11:56:01

the cage that I am using is metal and hard plastic, and his is double layered so he has plenty of space. you stated that you used treats are there any that you recommend for use more than others?  The housing question was more for the 2 teddy bears than for the black bear as I would one day like to try breeding them, but I'm not completely sure how to go about it.
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i have a black bear hamster as well as 2 teddy bear and 2 drarf hamsters but my black bear seems to spend most of his time eating holes in the plastic of the cages, is there anything that i can do to keep him from eating his way out of the cage( this being the 3rd he's been in) that he is in? It is hard to keep buying cages as they are a little on the expensive side.  Any help you give will be greatly appreciated.  Is it possible to house my 2 teddy bears in the same cage as they are a him and a her? it would save on the number of cages that I have to have.  Thank You!!!
My black bear does the exact same thing. He doesn't chew out of the plastic, but if he keeps at it he could crack it. I don't think its a case for the hamster trying to escape, as much as it is a gnawing problem. I have coaxed my black bear to chew on the hard treats I give him instead of his plastic tubes. Is the plastic your hamster chews hard or soft? If the cage itself is made of that flimsy soft plastic, I would invest in an aquarium to keep him in. Aquariums are only about 10 bucks, and the investment is well worth it with bigger hams like the bears. Don't house the 3 hams together, that is more of a space issue then anything since bears are larger then normal hams. Hope I've helped

The bigger the better as far as gnawing treats go. Pet stores sell those little wooden sticks to chew, but if you ask me the hamster would much rather chew something that tastes good, like a dog chews on a bone. Vitakraft Raviolos are a favorite of my hamster, they are rather large and hard, and it takes him a while to eat through a whole one. He likes the carrot slim treats too, but they aren't as hard and don't last as long. I'm not really an expert as far as breeding goes, since fighting will be a big issue. I would try this website, it's very detailed :
