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Escaped Hamster Shaking

21 13:30:23

My hamster escaped from the cage last night and I didn't know until the morning where I found it on one of the stairs. I suspect it might have fell down 2 steps 'cuz it decided to sleep there when I found it in the morning.
It might have to do with that reason but now my hamster seems scared of a lot/most things in the cage. It seems kinda shaky or cautious...if it wants to sniff anything, it does a double take ie. it sniffs quickly, back up, and sniff again all in a second...usually it would back away and not go near most things...i had to leave food where it sleeps 'cuz that's one of the few places it goes to now. Is there anything I can do so it won't be so scared? Is it possibly sick?

Also, when i tried to put it in the exercise ball, it went in, but when i closed the lid, it totally freaked was scratching/jumping like crazy when it turned around and touched the lid so i let it out immediately.


It is possiable she could be hurt but it sounds more like shes just doing normal hamster behaviour If you really think it's not ike her, watch her for the next day or two and see if she begins to act normally again. They are just like us in some respects. She may just be scared after a long night. Give her some time and let me know if things don't get better. Good luck!!
