Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Gerbils and Hamsters > i have just changed my hamsters from...

i have just changed my hamsters from...

21 11:50:19

QUESTION: hi karen i had writen a while ago my hamsters were born sunday the 18 and you told me to move them in to seperet cages (boy/girls)and i have but the dad semes to be smeling thair privet an he some times atackss them is this alright or not thank you !! please help!!
ANSWER: Hello again John,

    If Dad is attacking the babies, then it would be best to put him in a cage by himself so that he does not hurt or kill the babies.
    If you have anymore questions, please write again.

Thanks again for writing!

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: yes thank you but how can i tell the boys from the girls i have trouble with this beacause every time i grab them the babys jump away  

Hello again John,

    Telling the difference between the boys and the girls can be very tricky.
    The boys will have 2 holes ( .  . ) that are far apart and the girls will have 2 holes ( .. ) very close together (it may even look like there is only one hole.
    Holding the babies to look and see what gender they are can also be tricky (it would be best to have someone help you, one to hold the baby, and the other person looks).
     This site has drawn pictures showing what a male hamster should look like and what a female hamster should look like.

    Once you have checked their gender, it is always best to check them again, just to make sure.
    If you have anymore questions, please write again.

Thanks again for writing!