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Escape Artist

21 11:24:22

Joanne - it's been about two weeks since we purchased a Syrian female hamster. We were away for three days, and when we returned, we found hamster poop, pee, and small Legos in a pile in the corner of the master bathroom. We were completely perplexed, because we thought that there was no way that she could escape. She is in a large cage which is in a bathtub, which is about 15 inches high on all ceramic sides (very slippery) with no place to put her claws. The edge of the bathtub is higher than the top of the cage and is about 5 inches away from the nearest edge of the bathtub.  Then, the night that we came home (3 a.m.), I heard some squeaking in the master bathroom and found her in the corner where the poop and Legos were. I think she was upset because I had removed the Legos, poop, and pee. I don't understand how she got out of the bathtub (even if she were to be able to get out of her cage), and, more perplexingly, I don't know how she could have climbed back in (again, nothing to grab onto except slippery ceramic that goes up at a 90 degree angle -straight up), because when we came home, she was back in her cage in her plastic igloo. Can hamsters climb up slippery ceramic walls? You mentioned in one of your other answers that hamsters are escape artists, but this is too much! Thank you.

Hi Anne,

Yes, hamsters ARE expert escape artists, and they can jump, so bear that in mind. actually, just a couple of weeks ago my hamster did the exact same. We keep her cage on a coffee table and went out for the night, when we got back she had somehow escaped from her cage, jumped from the coffee, ate a whole slice of toast I'd left and somehow got back up the coffee table and into her cage, complete with a crust of toast which we found stored in her bedding. If there is a will there IS a way for hamsters. Try not to worry about it too much, hamsters will be hamsters.

If you plan to leave your hamster again and are worried about her escaping, just seal of the room, and place a pile of food, bedding and a shallow bowl of water in a corner somewhere so you know she will be safe if she escapes. Also remove anything that could be dangerous such as any chemical substances, wires etc.

Your hamster has a lovely personality, and sounds like a lot of fun. So thank you for sharing your story with me, and your question :)

Joanne xx