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flu and ear infection

21 11:40:54

Dear Sheila,

My syrian hamster os 10months has suddenly fallen ill 3 days ago. The vet said she has caught the flu. She was given antibiotic injection. her eyes seem to be well and bright now. i am worried about her as she seems to lost her balance entirely. she keeps tilting and rolling to her side whenever she tries to walk. i tried to feed her but she has difficulty holding onto her food and eating. i can only feed her glucose liquid. will she be alright? is anyway i can make her feel better? :'( please help.

I'm really sorry to hear about your hamster.  I was just about to get back to you when I read your sad news.  

Having discussed this condition with a rescue centre we came to the conclusion that your hamster's condition was either ear infection, brain tumour or some sort of infection affecting the nervous system.  It is always very sad when hamster or any pets for that matter die prematurely.

By the sounds of things she didn't suffer and you obviously did the right thing getting her to hospital.  I do hope you get another hamster some time in the future.
