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fish tank waterbottles

21 11:52:12

i'm thinking about getting a golden hamster and i want to put it in a fish tank since our fish died =*( and first could you tell me if thats a good idea? thanks. i also wanna know how i would put the waterbottle. on the sides of the tank somehow? just lay it on the flor? thanks

I assume by fish tank you mean a rectangular 10 gallon aquarium. If it is less then 10 gallons, do not use it, hamsters need alot of room, and anything less then 10 gallons is just cruel. Make sure to wash it out with a mixture of water and a tiny splash of bleach, and rinse throughly. I use a 10 gallon aquarium, use this type of water bottle:

As in one that has that little hole at the top. What I do is use a large paperclip, bent in such a way that it hooks on to the outside of the cage. They sell holders just for water bottles in aquariums, but in my experience, this was the quickest way my hamsters escaped. They would climb up the large metal holder and climb out. Thats why I use a large bent paperclip, they can't climb it.