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I already touched the Hamster Babies!!!

21 11:50:26

While my girlfriend was cleaning the cage, she found that we had a litter of babies! We called the pet store and they told us to just put them in a separate cage so the mother doesn't eat them. They said to give the babies normal food and water??? Is this correct? Most websies are saying different things. What should I do to keep the babies alive and healthy now that they've been touched?

Hello Brian,
wow it seems that there is a big dilemma here. The thing is that you have to hand feed these babies every hour on the hour until they are about two weeks old and then you can feed them every other hour and reduce the amount that you feed. It will be very difficult thing to keep the babies healthy during this time. I can give you a website that has some excellent advice on the amount of feeding and how much. You will also have to stimilate them to go to the bathroom as well by rubbing their bottoms. Keep me posted on how things develop.