Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Breeds > Shih Tzus > Shih Tzu with severe allergies ; NuVet plus for allergy dogs;

Shih Tzu with severe allergies ; NuVet plus for allergy dogs;

20 11:11:39

I have been reading your post, but I want to make sure I do what is best for my dog, Nicky.  He is 5 years old and currently weights 13 pounds.  At 2 yrs he started licking himself all over. I had blood work done on him and he is in very good shape health wise.    I have him on Zyrtec, Wellness Simple Duck & Rice, Salmon oil, & Fresh Digest (enzymes and prebiotic FOS by at Petco).  He has been on steroids that do help, but as soon as he gets off of them he starts up licking.  It gets worse each season.  I am planning on buying the NuVet to replace the Fresh Digest.  Do I need to do more?

nuvet for pet\'s with allergies
nuvet for pet's with a  
Shih Tzu allergies ;  Shih Tzu NuVET Plus Wafers;
Dana, Let me know how you do with my Suggestons?  

Hi Dana, Yes, the NuVet plus is for allergy dogs!  It helps to re-build a low immune system and helps the pets to fight off allergens.  You are feeding excellent foods.  Everything looks great in your program except for the Fresh Digest. ( I am sure the Fresh Digest is not hurting your baby but many not be helping much)

Please place this cutie onto the NuVET Plus powder or Wafer each day.
They do sell a smaller sized bottle when you call-in.

The web site only sells the 3 month size bottle or larger.
Call 1-800-474-7044  - ask for the 60 count bottle and give order Discount Code 81098 for the 15% off Program /autoship.
Tell them Pet Nurse Marie is working with you.
NuVET is HOLISTIC/ Natural and NOT sold in any stores....

I am sure you little one has Environmental Allergies.   Keep on the Zyrtec as it is helpful.
Steroids long term will hurt your dog's liver . ( as you already know)
Steroids will shorten the life of a pet buy a few years.

Keep me posted.
Marie Peppers LPN MA

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