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Shih Tzus

20 11:13:29

What is the best thing to bath a shih tzu with? I can bath mine and if he gets into the  sun he smells really bad and needs another bath. And how often do you recommend giving them a bath? He is 1 year old and is the best companion i have ever had. Also how long does it take for his testicles to drop his have not.
Thank you

Hi Teresa - His testicles should have dropped by now.. Talk to your vet about this... He won't be able to breed.  Otherwise, don't worry too much about it now.
As for the bath - here are some ideas for you:

First - Give this boy a Tea Tree Oil Shampoo Bath and Conditioner.
You can do this once per week.  If you need to give another bath, then use some Doggie Oatmeal Shampoo and conditioner.

NuVET Plus sells some wonderful ones on this site:
Not sold in stores ( buy online from the Manufacturer)
NuVET TEA tree oil shampoo
NuVET Oatmeal Shampoo
Use Order code 81098 ( they can't sell to the public without this breeder's code)

Also, if he tends to have a smell it may be Yeast.  To keep his skin and coat Healthy use NuVET Plus wafer treats...
One per day is .55 cents per day/wafer.  YUM YUM good ...
read about NuVET Plus wafers at the site above.

You can also call 1-800-474-7044 ext 265 for ordering... ( Joan Harris)

Please let me know if you need more help-
BEST wishes

Marie Peppers