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yeast infection

20 11:13:44

I have an 8 yr old female Shih Tzu  with a yeast infection. She is being given 15
mg Fluconazole daily,( 3 days left), a special shampoo and duck/wheat food for
now.  This does not seem to be doing all that well. What else can we do?

You can try feeding her plain yogurt with her food.  Also make sure you dry her completely after bathing her and then powder her with a medicated powder.  If she is scratching the area give her 1/2 tsp of children's liquid benadryl every 6 hrs to help her from opening the areas and keeping them raw and spreading.  The powder will help dry the areas up and the yogurt will help clear things up from the inside, you should notice a big change in a few days. I would not bathe her too often this is just going to keep the yeast growing ( I don't know what your vet recommended) but for know just clean the area then dry it well and put the powder on and do not wash it again for at least a few days just keep applying the powder several times a day for the next few days. hope this helps.