Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Breeds > Shih Tzus > dizzy spell??? as my dog couldnt get up

dizzy spell??? as my dog couldnt get up

20 11:13:27

Hi , I have a maltese shitzu 5 years old, she went to move herself tonight to be more comfortable on the couch but couldnt. picked her and then put her on the floor. she couln't move herself. just sat there. picked her up and then after about a minute or so she was normal. she had a drink from her bowl and then was able to pee in the back yard. she was ok about 2 minutes after this eposide. what could this be?? she had 2 tablets of cortisone (instead of one tablet by mistake) this morning by mistake for a neck problem which is now much better and she has been normal for the last day or so. peter

Peter - I am sure this was a scare!  Be careful on the cortisone pills - many adverse side effects - Don't overdose her...Ok  ( be careful)
Sounds like she may have had a muscle spasm?  Hard to say!  If this happens again, you may want to get some Doggie Massage for her. Talk to your vet to see if they know of any Dog Massage people in your area.

Next, you may want to put her on the NuJoint Plus and The NuVET Plus - Excellent Supplements -
Here is the link and also read the Testimonials...
All are low cost - It would be 1.00 per day for her to take the NuJoint Plus and .50 cents per day for the NuVET Plus -
Testimonial page -

NuJOINT ordering:

NuVET Plus - Ordering

Make sure you give order code 81098 - They Can't sell to the public without a VET or Kennel referral code -
Also, My name is Marie Peppers - I would be glad to follow your dog's progress...

Marie Pepper LPN MA
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